Choose a plan for your company

We offer a free plan and affordable pricing plans that grow with your company
We do not require a credit card. You can cancel at any time.
Annual billing
$0       / mo / emp.
30 days from registration
  • Limit to 1 employee
  • Activity tracking
  • Real-time preview
  • Access to reports and charts
  • Up to 30 screenshots
  • Tracking app
$5       / mo / emp.For small and medium-sized companies
  • No employee limit
  • Activity tracking
  • Real-time preview
  • Access to reports and charts
  • Data stored 6 months
  • Screenshots (up to 20 per hour)
  • Tracking app
$7       / mo / emp.For large enterprises
  • Standard functionality
  • +
  • Data stored for 12 months
  • No screenshot limit
  • Additional reports

Supported payment methods:


Creating an account is completely free of charge and does not involve any obligations. The program has full functionality (Premium plan) for 30 days after registration. After this time you need to buy a subscription or close the account.

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